Functions of the State in the Transition Economy

Any systemic whole, as well as a complex, systemic process, cannot do without regulation or management. The difference lies in the fact that some systems are regulated by internal, as if built-in mechanisms, and therefore are self-regulating (for example, the  human body), while others, not having their own mechanism of self-regulation, or in conditions where […]


Modern features of the Canadian economy have developed under the influence of a number of historical-political and historical-economic factors, among which it is necessary to highlight: 1) the large size of the country and the need to stimulate the development of new territories; 2) a wide range of natural resources, which makes it possible to […]

The theory of floating exchange rates

Representatives of this theory are mainly economists of the neoclassical (monetarist) direction, who preferred freely fluctuating exchange rates. Among them are M. Friedman (head of the Chicago School), F.Mahlup (University of Prestones), A. Lindbek (Stockholm University), G. Johnson (Chikag and London Universities), L. Erhard, G. Girsch, E. Durr (Freiburg School in Germany) and others. The […]