The essence of production and its relationship with needs

At whatever stage of historical development human society would be, people, in order to live, must have food, clothing, housing and other material benefits. The means of subsistence necessary for  man must be produced. Their manufacture is carried out in the production process. That is why production is an objective necessity. So what is manufacturing? […]

Models of the company (manufacturer)

The company’s costs for the production of products, the task of their minimization Cost classification. Any production is associated with the costs of raw materials, electricity, labor, equipment, land and so on. Without the use of the necessary resources, it is impossible to create new goods. Production costs are a set of costs incurred by […]

Features of economic observations and measurements

For a long time, the main obstacle to the practical application of mathematical modeling in the economy is the filling of the developed models with concrete and qualitative information. The accuracy and completeness of primary information, the real possibilities of its collection and processing largely determine the choice of types of application models. On the […]


The success of the American economy was achieved largely  due to a number of favorable factors that contributed to the rapid socio-economic development of the country. Let’s highlight the main ones. The United States got a huge, almost uninhabited continent with the richest natural resources, primarily a variety of minerals, conveniently located in relation to […]

Strategies for uncompetitive companies and companies in crisis

For a company that is on the decline and losing its competitive position, it is advisable to choose one of the following four strategies. A company with sufficient financial resources can apply an offensive strategy for overcoming the crisis: radically reduce costs or go for an original differentiation of goods; by investing money and talent […]