Types of international economic transactions

International economics deals with international economic transactions and their relationship to domestic transactions in each of the sectors of economic activity. The classification of types of international economic transactions in the SNA is close to the classification of balance of payments items, which is considered in detail in the following lectures. Crucially, according to the […]

Competitiveness of the company in terms of prices and costs

It happens that a new company with very low prices appears on the market or a competitor sharply reduces the prices of its goods. This does not necessarily mean a policy of dumping (selling large quantities of goods at below-market prices) to capture market share or achieve a certain volume of sales; maybe it just […]

Implementation and implementation of the strategy

The implementation and implementation of the strategy require the selection and implementation of specific actions to achieve the planned results, i.e. the transformation of the theoretical strategy into a set of specific activities. It is aimed at solving a number of problems: Creation of an organization capable of effectively implementing the chosen strategy; Allocation of […]

Imperfect Competition Theory

The English economist A. Pigou at the beginning of the XX century came to the conclusion that the monopolization of the economy and external effects can seriously disrupt the impact of competition on the efficiency of the economic system. The result is a discrepancy between individual and public interests, a decrease in the level of […]