Determination of the balance of payments

Balance of payments is a statistical report that systematically provides summary data on the foreign economic transactions of a given country with other countries of the world for a certain period of time. At the highest possible level of generalization, the balance of payments consists of: flows of real resources – exports and imports of […]

The necessity and essence of the transition period in the economy

No matter how different and called the historical stages of the development of human society and its economic systems, the transitions from one stage to another are always not instantaneous. They occupy a certain historical period of time and are clearly different from the functioning of an already established economic system. Thus, a pure liberal […]

The concept of production and production functions

Production is understood as any activity for the use of natural, material, technical and intellectual resources to obtain both material and intangible benefits. With the development of human society, the nature of production changes. In the early stages of human development, natural, natural, “naturally arising” elements of the productive forces dominated. And man himself at […]

Dual linear programming problem

The dual linear programming problem can be formulated as follows: Find variables yi (i=1,2,… (m) at which the objective function would be minimal , without violating the restrictions This problem is called dual (symmetric) in relation to the direct problem formulated in the second paragraph of this chapter. However, the converse is also correct, because […]