Resources and factors of production

The creation of material and spiritual goods and services requires resources and factors of production. What does economic theory mean by these categories? The resources of production are a set of material and financial means, natural, social and spiritual forces that can be used in the process of creating goods, services and other values. In […]

Concept, composition and structure of fixed assets

To carry out production and economic activities, enterprises must have fixed and working capital, which differ in their functions in the production process and the nature of participation in the formation of the value of goods. The processes of their consumption and renewal are also different. Fixed capital – buildings, structures, equipment – serve for […]

Modern forms of voluntary associations of enterprises

In a market economy, enterprises can create various associations for the joint solution of certain tasks, the achievement of certain goals. The main principles of the creation of associations are: voluntary entry into the association and withdrawal under the conditions determined by its statutes; preservation of economic independence of the enterprise; the contractual basis of […]


  Canada is a country extremely involved in world economic relations, it ranks first in the “big seven” in terms of trade participation. In 2000, Canada was in sixth place as an exporter and importer of goods (4.3% of world exports and 3.7% of world imports). The foreign trade balance is positive. In terms of […]

Processing of quantitative answers of experts

The result of the work of experts is usually a whole palette of opinions. The task of processing the results obtained involves finding an answer to two questions: the first is what the collective answer of the experts actually is, and the second is whether they can be trusted. Depending on the content of the […]