Market and market economy

The concepts of “market” and “market economy” are not identical. As already mentioned, the market in one form or another has existed since then, since which commodity production operates. However, commodity production and the market do not always and necessarily lead to a market economy, although the latter implies a high level of market development. […]

The Third Stage of Economic Sociology

The third stage (from the late 70s to the present) is characterized in the literature as the stage of the “new economic sociology”. According to the American sociologist R. Svedberg, at this stage this direction acquires the character of “comparative macrosociology”. Its main features are the orientation to comparative studies between countries, the formulation of […]

M. Weber's approach

The German economic historian and sociologist M. Weber (1864–1920) focused on the influence of three institutions—politics, ethics, and religion—on the development of the economy of capitalism. From the standpoint of the cultural approach of M. Weber, these institutions form the basis of social mechanisms that regulate the development of economic life. It is they who […]

Calculation of the total costs of the intermediate product (services), labor, profit and capital expenditure

Adding up the elements of the columns of matrices B, and P, we get generalized values of the total marginal costs of all factors for the production of 1 ruble. KP of the corresponding industry. In our example, for industry it is 6.74, and for agriculture-va – 5,847, table. 6.9. Table 6.9 Resource requirements Distribution […]

Fundamental approaches and principles of forecasting

Objectivity and knowability of socio-economic processes serve as the theoretical foundation of forecasting. Based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of real socio-economic processes, the identification of objective conditions, factors and trends in their development, forecasting is based on both general scientific and specific approaches and fundamental principles. Among the general approaches are the following. […]