Regional problems and experience of their solution in Ukraine

Ukraine is one of those countries with economies in transition that suffered greatly from the transformation crisis in the 1990s. If in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as a whole real GDP fell by an average of 45% compared to the pre-reform level of 1989, then in Ukraine this drop exceeded 60%. However, at […]

Leasing as a form of renewal of fixed assets

Currently, most enterprises in the Republic of Belarus, both new and functioning for a long time, are in dire need of modern and efficient equipment. The reason for this is the physical deterioration of a significant part of the fixed assets used in entrepreneurial activity, accelerated obsolescence, the emergence of new generations of equipment, etc. […]

Small countries of dependent plantation farming

This subgroup includes the countries of Central America: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic and Haiti. The main distinguishing feature of these countries is the preserved agrarian specialization of the economy (bananas, coffee, cotton, etc. are produced) and a high share in the export of agricultural products. The countries of this […]

Key factors of success in competition

Key Success Factors (CFEs) are the elements that ensure a company’s success, in other words, anything that contributes to higher profits. CFIs include: strategy; properties of goods, on the basis of which consumers choose a brand or supplier; resources and opportunities that ensure the company’s victory in the competition; professional experience, productivity, actions to achieve […]