Current Account

For practical and analytical purposes, the most important part of the balance of payments is the current account balance. The current account balance is a key concept of the international economy, showing, on the one hand, the result of the country’s interaction with the rest of the world over a certain period of time, and […]

The necessity and essence of the transition period in the economy

No matter how different and called the historical stages of the development of human society and its economic systems, the transitions from one stage to another are always not instantaneous. They occupy a certain historical period of time and are clearly different from the functioning of an already established economic system. Thus, a pure liberal […]

Models of the company (manufacturer)

The company’s costs for the production of products, the task of their minimization Cost classification. Any production is associated with the costs of raw materials, electricity, labor, equipment, land and so on. Without the use of the necessary resources, it is impossible to create new goods. Production costs are a set of costs incurred by […]

Geometric interpretation of optimization problems of linear programming

Suppose it is necessary to find the  optimal plan for the production of two types of products (x1 and x2), i.e. such a plan in which the target function (total profit) would be maximum, and the available resources would be used in the best way. The task conditions are shown in the table: Type of […]