Curves of indifference. Solving the problem of the optimal choice of the consumer

The basis for the study of personal consumption (individual consumers and households) are indifference curves. The indifference curve is a line, each point of which represents such a combination of two goods that the consumer does not care which of them to choose. Indifference curves graphically reflect the consumer’s system of preferences. For the convenience […]

The concept of "technology"

The scientific and technological revolution is extremely diverse in the set of goods and services offered on the world market. In particular, technology becomes a commodity. International UN documents interpret the concept of “technology” in two ways: on the one hand, as a set of design solutions, methods and processes for the production of goods […]

Trends in the development of the world monetary system

A characteristic feature of our time is the development of regional economic and monetary integration, primarily in Western Europe. The mechanism of currency integration includes a set of monetary and credit methods of regulation, through which rapprochement and mutual adaptation of national farms and currency systems are carried out. In December 1991, in Maastricht, EU […]