The Socio-Economic Law of Labor Change

Directly related to the law of the division of labor is the law of change of labor, which arose somewhat later, in the process of replacing manufactory production with machine production during the industrial revolution of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Production requirements for increasing the mobility of workers are increasing as the pace of renewal of […]

Problems posed by TNCs in the home country

Despite the obvious competitive advantages and high level of economic efficiency, TNCs are seen as economic agents capable of creating economic problems in both the home and host countries. The most frequent criticism of TNCs in home countries relates to accusations of domestic employment losses: foreign direct investment by TNCs abroad leads to “job exports”. […]

Three typical competitive strategies (according to the theory of M. Porter)

In 1985, in the work “Competitive Strategy”, M. Porter introduced the concept of universal strategies and identified three main types of strategy: cost leadership, differentiation, focus. Table 2 Resource requirements by component Porter Matrix Competitive advantage Low costs Differentiation Area of competition Broad Purpose Cost leadership Differentiation Narrow purpose Focus on costs Focus on differentiation […]