Territory and geopolitical position of Belarus

The territory of the country, as one of the main elements of its economy, includes land, its subsoil, natural resources. The economic and geographical concept of “territory” considers the entire set of factors of production. The territory of Belarus in the twentieth century, due to political and military upheavals, changed as follows: 1921 –52.3 thousand […]

The main stages of the evolution of the world economy

The world economy was basically formed by the end of the nineteenth century, when almost all countries and territories joined the international exchange. This is due to the fact that the last third of the nineteenth century was marked by major technical shifts, the growth of industry and its concentration. In metallurgy, new methods of […]

Implementation and implementation of the strategy

The implementation and implementation of the strategy require the selection and implementation of specific actions to achieve the planned results, i.e. the transformation of the theoretical strategy into a set of specific activities. It is aimed at solving a number of problems: Creation of an organization capable of effectively implementing the chosen strategy; Allocation of […]