Social stereotypes of economic thinking and their impact on economic behavior

Human thinking is the product of millions of years of evolution based on the struggle for existence. In the process of this fierce struggle, the organization of thinking was improved, those qualities that ensured the survival of man were fixed and reproduced. Abstract-figurative thinking, capable of operating with classes of objects, developed, the conceptual apparatus […]

The main integration groupings of the world

Regional integration in its development can be traced both in countries that initially follow the path of market management, and in developing countries and countries with administrative regulation of the economy. An example of a regional integration association of countries, which today has the most significant period of its existence, is the European Union (EU). […]

Content, prerequisites and objectives of regional economic integration

In modern conditions, regional economic integration leads to the establishment of closer economic (and on this basis, political, scientific, cultural) ties between the participating countries. Economic integration completely eliminates or significantly weakens barriers to international migration of goods, services, capital and labour. The following conditions contribute to the creation of integration groupings. The proximity of […]

Packaging & Labeling

In cases where packaging is required by the type of goods, a condition is included in the contract containing an indication of the type and nature of the package, its quality, size, method of payment, as well as the application of each labeling place to the package. The definition of the type of packaging depends […]