Positive and negative aspects of the market

The market, the market system have a number of positive and negative sides. Western economists include the positive aspects of the market: 1. Efficient allocation of resources. The market  contributes to the optimal distribution of resources between economic spheres and industries. It directs resources to the production of only marketable goods, rather than to the […]

Economic and mathematical models "National income - effective demand"

Determination of national income The UN is making great efforts to encourage all countries to collect data on national income. What is national income? This is a general concept that covers the entire annual flow of goods and services in the economy, calculated in monetary terms. Often, instead of this category, we use the almost […]


  The economic system of France strongly resembles the German one. There is also a socially-oriented model of the economy, in the center of which is the “welfare state”. It is because of the high role of the state in the country’s economy that such a system is often called the statist model. The role […]


The area of France is 551.5 thousand square kilometers, the population is 59.5 million people in 2001 In terms of area, France is the third country in Europe (after Russia and Ukraine) and the first in Western Europe (about a fifth of the territory of the European Union), more than twice the area of great […]

Least developed countries

This subgroup includes young states of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania, freed in the second half of the twentieth century from the colonial yoke. The list of countries included in this subgroup almost coincides with the list of “least developed countries” determined by the UN General Assembly. The criteria for inclusion on this list […]