Forms and types of ownership

The definition of the forms and subjects of the right of ownership is not only purely theoretical, but also of practical importance. From the form of ownership and subjects of the right of ownership depends on the solution of the legal regime of the property owned by this subject, the right of a certain subject […]

Methods of accounting and valuation of fixed assets

To obtain information on the availability of certain groups of fixed assets, their technical condition and cost, fixed assets are accounted for both in kind and in value terms. Fixed asset accounting data in physical terms make it possible to determine the production capacity of the enterprise, productivity, service life, composition, etc. Monetary expression is […]

Basic competitive strategies

This topic focuses on gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage through a successful strategy and optimal value chain management. The study of the problems of creating and maintaining a competitive advantage is devoted to the fundamental work of M. Porter, Competitive Advantage. This topic is largely based on the material in this book. Consider also […]

Competitive stability of the company's position in comparison with the main rivals

Value chain analysis, strategic cost analysis and other types of determining the competitiveness of the company by costs are necessary measures, but they are not enough. For a more accurate assessment of the competitive capabilities and position of the company, a number of additional factors should be studied, namely: the prospects for strengthening (weakening) the […]

The content of the international loan

International credit is a loan capital movement in the MEO sector related to the provision of foreign exchange and commodity resources on an urgent, repayable and interest basis. An international loan arose as one of the levers of the initial accumulation of capital. The basis of its development was the output of production beyond the […]