International investment balance

The balance of payments, as indicated above, reflects the flow of real and financial resources between residents and non-residents. These flows accumulate and form reserves. Stocks arising from the international movement of financial resources are recorded in the balance sheet of international investments. The balance of international investment (international investment balance) is a balance of […]

Счета использования доходов

Завершающую группу счетов доходов представляют счета использования доходов. Они делятся на два счета: счет использования располагаемого дохода и счет использования скорректированного располагаемого дохода. В первом из этих счетов отражаются расходы на конечное потребление. А также величина сбережений. Однако расходы на потребление и фактическое потребление не одно и тоже. Фактическое потребление в секторах ДХ, ОГУ отличается […]

Total personal income

To calculate the total amount of personal income, it is necessary to deduct from the NNP the savings of corporations to add to the remaining amount all types of transfer payments. If all taxes were deducted from the amount obtained in this way, then the total personal income would be identical to personal income after […]

Three typical competitive strategies (according to the theory of M. Porter)

In 1985, in the work “Competitive Strategy”, M. Porter introduced the concept of universal strategies and identified three main types of strategy: cost leadership, differentiation, focus. Table 2 Resource requirements by component Porter Matrix Competitive advantage Low costs Differentiation Area of competition Broad Purpose Cost leadership Differentiation Narrow purpose Focus on costs Focus on differentiation […]