Balance method in planning

The traditional and most common planning method in economics is the balance method, implemented through a system of balance sheets. A balance sheet is a table that compares the availability of resources and their sources with the directions and volumes of use. Balance sheets in the economy perform various functions, are developed for various purposes […]

Nature, forms and trends of international trade

International trade is the oldest and most important form of international economic relations, exerting a decisive influence on the development of the world economy as a whole. International trade is the sphere of commodity-money relations, which is a set of foreign trade of all countries of the world. Foreign trade is the exchange of a […]

Employment policy and social guarantee policy

The second structural part of social policy – employment policy – also reflects the hardships, distortions and problems of the transition period. Chief among them is unemployment. At the same time, employment policy is understood as a system of principles and measures aimed at ensuring and promoting rational, freely elected employment of the population. And […]

State regulation of income distribution

The formation of total incomes of the population covers their production, distribution, redistribution and use. The distribution of income is formed at the stage of formation of income of the owners of production factors (functional distribution). The personal distribution of nominal income is the result of redistribution. Passing through the family budget, the amount of […]