The concept, conditions and functions of the market

The market is a special form of organization of commodity farming. This is an objective phenomenon of an economy based on commodity production and commodity exchange. Every business entity and a person who makes any purchases or sales is connected with the market. Therefore, the changes taking place in the market are of interest and […]

Money: its origin, essence and theories

There are several concepts on the question of the origin of money, but the main ones are rationalistic and evolutionary. The first concept, which arose in the time of Aristotle, prevailed until the end of the XVIII century and explained the origin of money as the result of an agreement between people. Some modern economists […]

Methods of accounting for scientific and technological progress

It should be considered generally recognized that over time in an enterprise that maintains a fixed number of employees and a constant amount of fixed assets, output increases. This means that in addition to the usual production factors associated with the cost of resources, there is a factor that is usually called scientific and technological […]

Regional economy and regional policy

The economy of the region is understood as the integral system of management that has developed in it, the totality of all its economic and social factors, as well as the relationships between them and similar factors of other regions, which determines the level of development of productive forces and social processes in the region. […]

Types of planning

Plans as an expression of the results of planning should form a pyramidal structure in the aggregate, have a concentrated, differentiated by levels of management informativeness, be divided by development time (short-term, medium-term and long-term). The planning model from the point of view of its subject consists of separate planning complexes or sections of the […]