Non-tariff regulation of foreign trade in To the Republic of Belarus

In order to improve the procedure for the implementation of foreign trade activities by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, the President of the Republic of Belarus issued a Decree of 4.01.2000. No. 7 “On Improving the Procedure for Conducting and Controlling Foreign Trade Operations” with subsequent amendments and additions, which approves the Regulation on the procedure for monitoring the conduct of foreign trade operations by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, establishes the timing of these operations, the procedure for the receipt of funds, and also provides for economic sanctions for unauthorized exceeding of deadlines and violation of the terms the procedure for conducting foreign trade operations, etc.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 08.04.2002 No. 440 “On measures to improve the regulation of exports and imports” was developed in order to improve the regulation of exports and imports of goods, based on the interests of the economic policy of the Republic of Belarus. This Regulation approves the list of goods exported under special licenses of the European Union for trade in textile products issued in accordance with the established procedure by the Ministry of Trade, in accordance with Annex 1; the list of goods exported under the licenses of the Ministry of Commerce, according to Appendix 2; the list of goods imported under the licenses of the Ministry of Commerce, according to Appendix 3; the list of goods exported subject to the registration of contracts with the Ministry of Commerce, according to Appendix 4. The resolution also establishes the amount of payments transferred to the republican budget when issuing permits for foreign trade operations with goods specified in Annexes 2-4: for issuing a general license (26 basic values), a one-time license
(17 basic values), etc.

Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Export Control” of 06.01.1998 No. 130-Z defines the legal basis for the activities of State bodies, legal entities and individuals of the Republic in the field of export control and regulates relations arising in connection with the movement across the customs border of the Republic of Belarus and the use of export control objects.