Economic science as a whole is a complex formation that has its own structure. It can be imagined in the form of a large building, where many floors of economic sciences rise on a single powerful foundation. This foundation for all “floors” is economic theory.
There are several blocks in this “building”. The closest to the foundation is a block of intersectoral economic sciences. These include the theory of economic management (management), economic cybernetics, marketing, economic statistics, labor economics, actuarial economics and others.
The next block is occupied by branch economic sciences: industrial economics, transport economics, construction economics, trade economics, health economics, etc. Finally, the next block houses the floors of private (or functional) economic sciences: money circulation, accounting, auditing, etc.
Just as economics itself is closely related to other spheres of life, economics is closely related to other sciences. In this regard, it is necessary to name first of all such a science as history. Without a connection with it, without studying the history of the emergence and development of some economic phenomena or processes, their scientific disclosure is simply impossible.
Economic science is closely related to the block of quantitative sciences – their “queen” mathematics, as well as with statistics, cybernetics, etc. It is impossible to study economics without a connection with demography – the science of population and its laws.
Economic science is also very closely connected with the complex of legal sciences. This all means that if you want to become a highly qualified specialist in the field of economics, you must be a well-rounded educated person.
In conclusion of this section, we note that, as P. Samuelson emphasizes (his textbook on economics has withstood more than a dozen editions), people who have never systematically studied economic theory are like deaf people who try to appreciate the sound of the “orchestra” of life.